Benefits of Concrete Grinding Melbourne

Concrete grinding is a highly flexible and effective method of cutting through concrete. It is used to remove old grout or adhesive or prepare the floor for polishing. Another use for concrete grinding is the removal of tripping risks between crooked slabs of concrete. Abrasive force is used to smooth out or level the concrete surface instead of cutting or drilling into it with a saw.

In the field of concrete grinding, there are three primary categories as follows:



There are times when it is necessary to scarify concrete in order to eliminate any potential tripping hazards, which is often found on public sidewalks, in schools, or at any other location where a tripping hazard is a concern. In order to smooth or repair a concrete slab, scarifying is frequently the first step in a more extensive concrete grinding Melbourne operation. Each pass of a scarifier can create up to 3 to 4 mm of grooves.

In order to scarify concrete, a machine is used that drives a series of thick tungsten washers arranged on a rod in a series formation. These sturdy tungsten discs rotate on their respective rod axes at tremendous speeds and create grooves on the concrete.



Concrete is then carefully poured and levelled using a floating device or similar instrument. Depending on the area, it can take up to two or three days for the mixture to fully set. However, this part is the longest wait in the entire job, and doing it properly is critical to its success.



Polished concrete is a widely used flooring option in Melbourne for homeowners and business owners alike. This kind of flooring design may be stunning for many, but it also has a high cost. The process involved in achieving that ideal mirror polish is pretty much like concrete grinding but using diamond-coated discs with a more refined surface and less abrasive. To achieve the polished shine, you need to make numerous passes over the surface, which come at a cost in the form of both time and resources.

Concrete Grinding Dust

Any kind of concrete cutting, including grinding, generates concrete dust (or concrete slurry, if water is used). It’s possible that breathing in this concrete dust could lead to silicosis, a lung disease that can be fatal if left untreated. Most professional concrete grinders do not use water; they typically employ vacuums with appropriate air filters to gather up to 90% of the dust and then dispose of the collected dust in an ecologically safe manner. As a precaution, prior to beginning any grinding work, concrete cutters would use protective masks to keep them from inhaling dust.

Because of its flexibility, concrete grinding Melbourne is the most frequent method of cutting concrete. There’s always a job to do for those who made a living out of concrete grinding, but it’s a never-ending battle to keep the streets clear of tripping hazards and restore the flooring of houses and businesses. So it’s advisable to engage a professional for concrete grinding since the appropriate method is crucial to getting the most pleasing results.

Concrete Grinding Melbourne

Concrete Grinding Services in Melbourne

A fleet of highly-trained and transportable concrete cutters is available from us in Melbourne whenever you need them. We abide by any laws and regulations that may be in effect with regard to this kind of work. Our team of concrete grinding experts has access to a wide variety of high-quality tools, hardware, and safety gear necessary to carry out the job safely and effectively. For a free quote for your concrete grinding Melbourne project, call our team.

Contact us for all your concrete grinding Melbourne needs!
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